Collaborative OKR Slack App

Collaborative OKRs is a Slack-based OKR management system with web dashboards that allows teams to set up, manage, and review their OKRs. The success of OKRs depends on collaboration and course corrections throughout the period the Objectives are defined for. Most organizations do not need an expensive solution – they need a collaborative system where people come together easily to make and receive updates on progress and make course corrections.


Our system reflects how work really gets done – get the benefits and alignment of OKRs without elaborate tooling setup and maintenance! 

OKRs foster a culture of openness and ownership. Our solution works with open cultures, where we can rely on the group to maintain the discipline and trust necessary. Hence, our system permits users to choose the right level of OKR access as needed. 

Trusted By Leading Brands 

  • Wipro 
  • Subex 
  • Cognizant 
  • Virtusa 
  • Faurecia 
  • Hexaware 

Challenge with Traditional OKR Software

While the OKR framework holds immense potential, traditional OKR software often falls short. They tend to be: 

  • Cumbersome & Complex: Steep learning curves and clunky interfaces hinder adoption. 
  • Isolated from Workflow: Existing in silos, detached from the tools teams use daily. 
  • Static & Inflexible: Lacking the agility to adapt to changing priorities and real-time feedback. 

Collaborative OKRs: A New Approach

We address these challenges head-on by building a solution that is: 

  • Intuitively Integrated: Leveraging Slack’s familiar interface for seamless adoption. 
  • Deeply Collaborative: Facilitating real-time communication and shared ownership of goals. 
  • Dynamic & Adaptable: Empowering teams to adjust course and celebrate wins in the moment. 

Key Features & Benefits

  1. Effortless Goal Setting: 
    • Multi-Level Alignment: Define objectives at the company, department, team, and even individual levels, ensuring everyone is working towards a common vision. 
    • Guided Objective Creation: Intuitive prompts and templates simplify the process of crafting clear, measurable objectives. 
    • Visual Objective Mapping: A dynamic dashboard provides a clear overview of objective hierarchies and interdependencies. 
  2. Collaborative Progress Tracking: 
    • Real-Time Key Result Updates: Update progress directly within Slack, eliminating the need to switch between tools. 
    • Automated Progress Reporting: Keep everyone informed with automated notifications and progress summaries. 
    • Visual Progress Dashboards: Track individual, team, and company-wide progress at a glance. 
  3. Seamless Communication & Feedback: 
    • Dedicated OKR Channels: Create focused spaces for OKR-related discussions, updates, and celebrations. 
    • Inline Key Result Discussions: Discuss progress, roadblocks, and ideas directly within the context of each key result. 
    • Feedback & Recognition: Foster a culture of continuous improvement with built-in mechanisms for feedback and recognition. 
  4. Actionable Insights & Reporting: 
    • Performance Snapshots: Gain instant insights into key metrics and identify areas for improvement. 
    • Customizable Reports: Generate tailored reports to track progress against specific goals and initiatives. 
    • Data-Driven Decision Making: Leverage data to inform strategic planning and resource allocation. 


User Experience and Interface

Slack Integration 

Collaborative OKRs leverages Slack’s familiar interface to provide a seamless user experience. Users can interact with the system using natural language commands, making OKR management as simple as sending a message. 

Key Slack features include: 

  • Slash commands for quick actions (e.g., /okr list objectives, /okr create objective) 
  • Interactive messages for updating progress and viewing details 
  • Private channels for focused OKR discussions 
  • Notifications and reminders to keep teams engaged and on track 

Web Dashboard 

Our complementary web dashboard offers a bird’s-eye view of your organization’s OKRs. With its clean, intuitive design, users can: 

  • Visualize the hierarchy and interdependencies of objectives 
  • Track progress across multiple levels and teams 
  • Access detailed reports and analytics 
  • Manage global settings and user roles 

Built for Teams of All Sizes: 

Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, Collaborative OKRs scales to meet your unique needs. 

  • Flexible Plans: Choose the plan that best fits your team size and budget. 
  • Customizable Features: Tailor the platform to align with your organization’s structure and workflows. 
  • Dedicated Support: Our team is here to help you every step of the way, from implementation to ongoing support. 


Collaborative OKRs integrates seamlessly with Slack to provide a robust and collaborative environment for managing objectives and key results. Trusted by leading brands, it simplifies the OKR process, fosters a culture of openness and ownership, and drives organizational success through effective goal management.